

i'm in love

Yesterday I discovered minä perhonen on Lena Corwin's blog. Wow. So much inspiration on that site. I'm absolutely in love with every single garment. The fabric is just wonderful. Last night I got out a little notebook and started sketching some ideas that popped into my head after perusing all the lovely images on that website. I'm thinking of adding some hand embroidery to garments I make for myself. Nothing too elaborate. I'm still thinking about what I really want to do. I'd love to screen print some small geometric designs on fabric as well. Hmm...I suppose it's all just a jumbled mess in my head. As per usual. :) Hope everyone is having a lovely week. Here are a few pictures I took this week.

afternoon repast

last cup



  1. Firstly: your photographs are GORGEOUS!!! I've been so inspired lately by the ones you've posted on Flickr. You are so talented!!

    I simply adore Mina Perhonen's design aesthetic... can't wait to see what comes of your inspired sketches!!

  2. Aw, thank you, Casey! You're always so encouraging. I don't know too much about photography, but I'm trying to get better! My brother has a nicer camera than I do. Might have to see if I can "play" with it a bit... My problem is that there's really not a lot of fun and inspiring images to capture around here.

    I'm hoping I really will make myself some time to create a few of those sketches I drew out the other night. But I'm really excited to do a bit of embroidery. And I'm also excited about some of the color combinations I'm thinking up. Of course I'll change my mind at the last minute as I usually seem to do... ;-)
