

this is...

my inspiration board.

I realize this is not exactly a board, but I don't have one. This is the closest thing to my inspirations which are compiled together. I also have a sort of scrap book of fashions that I have started, but unfortunately haven't really kept up with it. I'd like to make a new one for my spring/summer ideas. One more thing to do I guess. You might also check my flickr favorites for more images that inspire me.

picture wall

And to be honest with you, these are just the pictures that inspire me for modern wear/living. I am also totally and completely obsessed with historical fashions, so that would be an entirely separate inspiration board. (Though you will notice a few historical images I have included in this wire.)


  1. this is amazing.

    I love the clean lines and the gorgeous images.


    thankyou for sharing

  2. Could you tell me what camera you use to take your photos? They are all so clear, and they capture lighting very well. Just thought I'd ask.

  3. Hi, Betty! Thank you for your comment! :)

    Bethany, here's my camera:
    I got mine on
    Great little camera! I definitely recommend it.
