

:::inspired by chicago in the '40s:::

I stumbled across these photographs by Charles Cushman and my goodness are these amazing! And in color! Can't you feel the hot sun beating down as you look at these images? I'm really taken by them. Plus you've gotta dig these awesome bathing suits. Some serious love going on over here. :)

chicago in the early '40s

chicago in the early '40s

chicago in the early '40s

chicago in the early '40s
::more images found on my flickr::

This will get me in the mood for waking up and getting on the road bright and early tomorrow; headed for Chicago! Should be fun, only now I really really want to make a vintage bathing suit.

Also, funny I didn't realize that my last post on here was my 100th. Here's to 101 blog posts! {This doesn't mean they are all well written posts by any means, but still...}


  1. I love these photos...

    Congrats on your 101st post!

  2. Definitely make a vintage bathing suit! They're awesome!!

    Vintage mens' bathing suits sort of look weird, though, don't you think? I'd probably still wear one, though. But I'm a weirdo.

  3. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Teclado e Mouse, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  4. I could be wrong but I suspect Lake Michigan is still in Brrrr! mode.

    Have fun in Chicago...we did.

  5. Yeah yeah yeah

    Definitely too early to swim... and I don't know if I'd swim on the Chicago side, even, haha. -_-

  6. Wow, I bet it was before the lake became toxic. It's not uncommon for people to get serious infections from swimming in Lake Michigan via Chicago. I never swam it when I lived there for reason alone.

    Have fun.

  7. Lots of great photo's in that collection.
    I was also very interested in the photos that show daily life in the streets, most magazines and books show staged photos, people wearing their sunday best, etc.
    Nothing beats snapshots made on the street for historical authenticity!
