

sewing projects + spring cleaning


It's been busy around here lately. Chicago was great! We went shopping and fabric whoring and meeting of old friends...Really a grand time. Although since I took off last weekend for the Chicago jaunt, I decided to skip out on the living history event I was going to do this weekend in St. Louis. A little disappointed about that, but I'll get over it. There will be other times.

However...This weekend, starting tomorrow morning, I am going to sew crazy. Sometimes sewing for myself helps me get inspired about sewing again. I know right now I'm feeling a lack of enthusiasm, so taking off two days to sew anything I want should be tons of fun. The possibilities of what to sew are endless. Here's the list I made:

+ Little Black Dress
+ Sailor pants with linen I picked up in Chicago
+ Sailor shorts with brown sateen?? or tan linen? (could it possibly be I wear shorts again...hmm...have to think about that one. Shorts look nasty on me.)
+ Make pattern off of favorite vintage dress to make new dress out of pretty cotton printed voile!
+ 1930s summery tops
+ More summery tops in different designs...
+ '30s bathing suit

I'm leaning towards getting that Little Black Dress made, though. I know of at least one event to wear it to this summer and I've already started on the mock-up. So if all goes well, I might have a new dress by the end of the weekend.

::Pictures from Chicago jaunt found on my flickr.

:::Also doing a bit of spring cleaning and unloading my stuff on eBay. Not sure anything on there is of interest to my readers, but thought I would give you the heads-up nonetheless. I have lots more stuff to get rid of and will be adding as I get time. :) Have a lovely weekend!!


  1. everyone needs a little black dress...
    well except for us guys, who need bespoke tux's...
    I'm working on that one... ;-)

  2. Chicago is so awesome! That fabric store is literally down the block from my boyfriend's brothers house. I'm glad you liked the city!

  3. I want some of your shoes!!! Where do you find them? I have been looking for cute vintage shoes and haven't been finding much... *sigh*

  4. PS Glad you had fun in Chicago! We should get together sometime soon! :-)

  5. welcome back!!! glad you had a nice time in Chicago; it's always nice to have a change of scenery!

    how is your sewing weekend going? I can't wait to see what you've made. I'm sure whatever you chose will be lovely!

    and oh my gosh... I'm totally drooling over some of those shoes; too bad most of them are too small... *sigh* hehe. I'm dying to see what else you list on ebay!
