

the weekend

Wish I could go to Lamoni, IA this weekend for the farb fest (aka "party"), but it looks like I will have to stay home. However, my brother is flying in from LA tonight and then we're going out for drinks. Should be fun! That is, if he doesn't miss his flight... I hear it is easy to miss ones flight in LA.

Also I really wish I hadn't miss out on the dance in Iowa City last weekend. Check out the video with the Gilded Bats playing! I hope I can make it out for their next dance, though!

Gilded Bats play the Iowa City Barn Dance

Also, I found this song ("Take me down in the night") I had downloaded to my mp3 player awhile back and just found it. I can't stop putting it on repeat. I know, I'm bad like that. :)


  1. Aww, that dancing looks like sooo much fun! It's too bad you couldn't make it.

  2. Hope you have a great weekend, Anna! :D
