go vote!


I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and a happy Hallowe'en! We went out and watched a scary movie. Good times. I was pretty happy on Friday not only because it was the beginning of the weekend, but also because I gave myself a new schedule and actually stuck to it. I've written my schedule and placed it right in front of my desk so every time I sit down I can see it staring me in the face. Every day I am faithful to it, I'll put a star on the calendar. May sound silly to some, but I think seeing a bunch of stars in a row will be just enough to encourage me to keep going. And I know others who do this and have said it works. I've also picked the time in the day when I can work better (which happens to be the morning) and that's when I'll get all my productive work done. The afternoon I'll spend on emails, paperwork and all that good stuff. And heck, maybe I'll have time for a walk before it gets too cold outside. Annd I'm hoping to have a little time each day to work on a project (sorry, you'll have to wait and find out). It's a little something I've been wanting to do for years, but kept telling myself I didn't have time. Well, by George, I'm gonna make time!

Well I have to scat, but I hope everyone goes out there and votes today, if you haven't already! I voted absentee, as I wasn't sure I'd have the chance to go vote today. I'm excited to see the results! Not to mention I won't miss the political ads and the million and one phone calls when the election is over. I WILL miss the SNL skits, though. Those I will never get tired of. Almost makes election time worth it. Take care all and make something with your hands! :)


  1. oh no! i haven't even considered the thought of losing my beloved election snl skits!!! wow. sad :/

    i think the star stickers are a great idea! sure it seems a bit elementary but if it kept me motivated back then i'm sure it has some effect now.

    as always, 'love reading your posts :)
