

long weekend

knitting gift

I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday! It's always hard to get back into the swing of things after taking off several days of work. I worked a little bit here and there, but pretty much got off schedule from Thursday through Sunday. But it was a nice break. And it snowed Saturday night! When I woke up Sunday morning I felt sheer joy looking out the window to the winter wonderland. I hate driving in the cold icy weather, but I love how bright it gets outside when it snows. And it encourages me to drink more hot coffee and tea while knitting to keep my fingers warm.

the fat cat
The kitty in the antique shop. You could hear him purring and when I went down to pet him, his fur was incredibly soft and he just purred louder. Oh so cute.

kitties in the antique shop
Look! Another kitty! They were all over the place.

mandy and dayna
Sunday morning we went to coffee with Dayna, a good friend who lives in Chicago. And we met her friend Mandy. It was wonderful.

I also discovered this coffee shop in Mount Vernon. It's called "fuel" and has amazing coffee and atmosphere. I will surely be back.

Have a nice week!


  1. Hope you are having a great week...happy belated thanksgiving!

  2. thank you, abby! i had a lovely thanksgiving. :)

  3. mmm the coffee shop looks lovely. All your pictures capture an image of homey warmth that makes you wish you were in the moment as well. I like the sock and knitting pictures of late. If only we could somehow combine some of my words with your pictures... hmm looks like we'll have to have afternoon tea and take pictures of it. Tea on Day 1. tea on day 2 etc. etc, until we're just as persuasive of a voice as the breakfast blogger. Lets see... I have at least three different teapots we could rotate...

  4. alanna, that sounds absolutely fabulous! let's do it!
