

toast and more toast.

french toast


I didn't have time to upload pictures from yesterday and honestly, toast can get kinda boring to photograph after awhile. I'm sure if I was a better photographer, I'd find all these cool new ways to make toast look grand, but I'm not. Yesterday I made some white no-knead bread and it was delicious! This could become a bad thing if I make it too often. That just means I'll be eating bread all the time and I don't really need that much bread in my diet! But I have a bucket full of dough left in the fridge and I'm so tempted to put in another loaf today.


  1. I've baked two times this week, thanks to you :-)
    banana muffins & bread.

  2. Can I have the recipe?! It looks great! There is a really good bread recipe on my blog too. You'll have to try it.

  3. ah! i'm so glad i inspired some baking this week. i'm trying to do it more, since i really haven't baked much in so long. it's time i make time! :)

    jenny, here is the recipe. it's so easy! btw, there are also ways you can make this in a covered pot or dutch oven if you have one. in fact, i'm making another loaf right now!

  4. Aw I like to see little peeks of your mornings! Def not boring and the photos look great!

  5. Hi Anna,
    I always love checking in to your blog when I get a chance:) I was wondering if there was a way to see your old play list that you had up. There were a few artists that I just loved and should have written down, but didn't....thanks for sharing all you do!
