I took a break from work today to make these awesome crackers from Smitten Kitchen. Only I didn't have heavy cream or half and half, so I just used plain old 1% milk. And I didn't have any freshly grated Parmesan cheese either, so I just used the cheapo stuff we have on hand. And they still taste awesome. One of these days I want to make some goat cheese (next on the list when I have time) which I think will taste great with these crackers.
Okay, this is not much of a sneak peek, but it's something! :) I finished grading my patterns, FINALLY! Next I just need to make up one more sample and I believe I can start cutting everything out and stitching like a sweatshop worker. Woohoo! On that note, what are your thoughts on Etsy vs. Big Cartel? After going back and forth for so long, I am actually leaning more towards setting up shop at Big Cartel. In the long run I believe it will be more affordable and I think it has a slightly more professional "storefront" than Etsy. No offense to Etsy users, I still love Etsy! Would love to hear your thoughts!
Seeing these guys on Saturday. PSYCHED!
Also, Happy Birthday to my dad! He turned 60 today! No foolin'.
p.s. these sandals are still up for sale! size 9. :)
what i like about etsy is that i can assemble a collection of favourites and compare them very easily with each other, both concerning prices and design. it's like a huge warehouse. big cartel on the other hand gives you as a shopowner more freedom in how you design your shop, and it really is your own shop, instead of a small part of the huge etsy-warehouse. so, from a customer's perspective i'd say go with etsy, even though big cartel might seem more elegant and individual for you.
ReplyDeleteLove the music. That's what's so much fun about this blog thing - I don't think I would have ever stumbled across them if I didn't visit your blog and yet I love em.
the fabric pattern is so pretty! i cant wait to see :)
ReplyDeleteaw, thanks girls! you all are so sweet. :)
ReplyDeletefröken lila, those are some very good thoughts! thank you for sharing! to be honest, i have both an etsy account and a big cartel, but i don't know which one to go with yet. ahhh decisions! perhaps i will try one and if it doesn't suit me, i can always go to the other. :)
Wow! I'm so impressed! Those crackers look incredible. That's always the sort of thing I plan to do on weekends, but end up just breaking out a box from the pantry and snoozing on the couch.
ReplyDeleteI'm very excited about your dress pattern! It's been on my mind since you first debuted it. I currently have an etsy site for vintage clothes, but sometimes I think it's getting a wee too congested on there and wish I had gone over to big cartel. I'm curious to know which you go for.
ReplyDeletealso, I'm sooo jealous you saw Camera Obscura!!! I've been wanting to see them for years but always miss them:( sigh.
Oh yum! I always love seeing what you've been up to in the kitchen, Anna! :) I made fresh pasta yesterday, and now seeing these I am sorely tempted to make crackers today! hehe!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, my thoughts on the Etsy vs. Big Cartel thing (which, to be honest, I haven't had a lot of experience with BC): From a customer standpoint, I like that on Etsy you have the feedback system. Although Etsy can be a pain in the rear to navigate, when buying handcrafted goods I think most people are more comfortable knowing (from feedback) that what you are selling is quality and worth the money. Just from that standpoint it builds customer confidence, especially since so many people are still hesitant about buying things online (sight unseen). Even though I love the idea of a more "stand alone" shop that BC offers, I've known a handful of people who have returned to Etsy (Francesca of Snail and Cyclops comes to mind) because of the increased traffic and consumer confidence it offers. :) Just my $0.02 though!
Can't wait to see some of your first offerings--that fabric is so pretty!
♥ Casey
blog | elegantmusings.com
I love the Smitten Kitchen blog! Her photography is incredible and I have been challenged to make so many interesting things I never would have thought to make, based on her fun descriptions and beautiful pictures. Those parmesan crackers look delicious--and professional!
ReplyDeleteAs a buyer, I prefer Big Cartel to Etsy when a maker I love is selling only a few things at a time certain, and there is a frenzy to add stuff to your cart. I am almost positive (but you may want to check with other sellers on this) that on Big Cartel, once you put an item in your cart, you have a minute to breathe before hitting "purchase," whereas on Etsy, I have had items disappear from my cart. It's the most frustrating thing. I do love the favorites feature on Etsy though, and I love the community of makers and the ability to search for items with features I desire. The feedback option also helps me to decide whether to purchase something--it's nice to know if other customers are satisfied in terms of quality, service, etc.
I really can't wait for your shop opening! I am dying over the previews.
I LOVE etsy
ReplyDeleteand wildflowers :)
hey! i was at the show saturday night! wasn't it great?!
ReplyDeletehey carrie! i wondered if you might be there. ;) yes, the show was fantastic! i had a grand time. :)