


tea + cookies

knitting station

merino wool scarf

my outfit, including a frill of blurred lace.

frye shoes.

I had a good weekend, how 'bout you?

Question: What to make for guests next week? Thinking of making vegetarian lasagna or minestrone soup or...? Vegetarian would be fun and although my guests aren't vegetarian, they appreciate foods without meat from time to time (as do I).


  1. Hi!

    If you are thinking something soup-y this pearl barley stew is really magic.

    Sometimes we can't find porcini mushrooms or celeriac (I think in America it's called celery root?) but it still tastes great without, and you can use any greens you like really, spinach, kale, whatever you've got.

    I was going through your archives the other day and was so impressed with your shoemaking endeavours! I'm hoping to study shoemaking next year, fingers crossed. And I really love your blog. Hope you enjoy your dinner (whatever you make)!

  2. One of my favorite veg dishes: spinach & mushroom calzone, recipe found here:

    My husband isn't terribly fond of veg meals, but this is so good, he was surprised it didn't have meat in it!

  3. Being a vegetarian I swear by Veganomicon and am building my Thanksgiving dinner around recipes in this book.

  4. how about cheese ravioli with roasted winter squash on top, sage, butter or cream sauce? always a favorite around here.

  5. hmm...Soup? Soup and winter go together quite well...

    We also do Thai Curries a lot...

  6. Chickpea and potato curry is always a warming and tasty dish. (plus the ingredients are cupboard staples)

    I must say I LOVE the shoes in the 2nd to last picture. They are simply amazing :-)

  7. thank you guys! keep the recipes coming! :)

  8. Loving all these pictures! :) Looks like you've been having fun with that knitting machine. Can't wait to see what else you may whip up!

    I've been in a similar recipe conundrum for next week myself (in-laws coming for a relative's wedding and Thanksgiving). While I'm not a vegetarian, I tend to make about 2-3 meatless dinners a week, and while my husband is cool with that, I'm not sure everyone else will be. ;) So I'm having to come up with some creative solutions--I really want to put some healthy, vegan/vegetarian meals in between all the parties and Thanksgiving dinner! I know lately I've been making a lot of curries and squash/pumpkin stews. I posted about a butternut squash soup I made recently and that has been a huge hit here.

    ♥ Casey | blog

  9. 1) i have a recipe called "last minute lasagna" which is not really last minute, but it's made with ravioli instead of lasagna noodles. yum. i can share if you are interested!

    2) have you been to the market day event in des moines? your link to the little winter market reminded me of market day. :D

  10. Love the shoes anna! And when I say love, I actually mean coveting them. Pure awesome! ;) Here's a great recipe for potato leek soup, perfect for chilly days.

    Also how about some spinach and ricotta manicotti? Or Chicken Con Broccoli?

    ~Meg ;)

  11. Such super snippets of your world! Your photos always have such a certain stillness to them, love!

  12. Butternut squash and hazelnut lasagne, so amazing... I found the recipe on some random site years ago, I think this site has it as well as some good tips:
    It is definitely an undertaking, but so worth the effort!

  13. Beautiful images in this post -- it looks like a great weekend. (and nice recipes from everyone too.)

  14. what pretty pictures and neat little links!

  15. a twist on vegetarian lasagna:

    guaranteed to impress!

    thank you for sharing the photos of your space. lovely!

  16. I just discovered your blog and I love it! Beautiful, beautiful things and pictures on here!

    May I ask where you got the plate/bowl set from your picture with the cookies and tea bag? Its gorgeous!

  17. ove the sunflowers, those are my favourite flowers. Always fresh and happy =)
