I am working hard to get some new things made for the shop. New dresses and tunics mostly. And yes, more gingham! The time change has thrown me off a bit and I find myself making another cup of coffee in the afternoon. I am technically not supposed to make more than one cup a day (my own little rule...hah) but sometimes you just need that extra little "push" to get you through the afternoon. With the coming of spring brings many new things. The house is every which way as my
roommate packs up her belongings to move into a new place and a new life. She will be missed! That leaves me with very little here, but I like it that way. I am finding endless amounts of inspiration from the lovely
Ms Cumberbatch of
Pure Style fame. I ordered a few more of her books and there are instructions in one of them on how to make slip covers for the chairs and couch. I already have a list of things to make this summer and many of them are included in her books.
Paint [video] the dining room table/chairs white, make slip covers for the old couch, reupholster the chairs... Will I get it all done, do you think? We shall see. Summertime is almost here and I already have it pretty filled up. One of which is getting married! So yes, a full summer indeed!
Although it feels like Friday, I am happy to say it's only Wednesday. I'm off to alter a dress and then work some more on new frocks. I smell brownies and coffee and I think a bit of
Pride and Prejudice might be in order for later, although I've seen it more times than I care to mention. Have a wonderful and peaceful week. xo