


painting with gouache.
going for a walk.
going for a walk.
going for a walk.

I know many of you are waiting to see the new collection! It's almost ready, but something came up last week so I'm a bit behind. Still planning to open the shop this week, so check back soon!

These pictures were taken a few weeks ago while the flowers were just starting to pop up. I also have started painting again! It's really very calming. I found a gouache set at a charity sale a few years ago and am now just figuring out how to use this stuff. Very different than watercolor! I did use it like watercolor, though, adding more water than perhaps is usual for this type of painting. But it's really nice that you can paint on top of the color and build it up. Anyway, I haven't actually painted since the time I took these pictures. Hopefully I don't put it off for too much longer. It's really very calming. I'm always inspired to get out my paint when I read her blog. She is so talented! I love her flower and plant watercolors. That is what I really like to paint most of all. Plants are fun to look at and study.

Well, that's about it for now! I'll be working hard to finish up everything so I can open the shop asap! Stay tuned! xo