

baking cookies

baking cookies
baking cookies
baking cookies
baking cookies

Sometimes all you need is a good batch of cookies. Recipe from Donna Hay's "Off The Shelf: Cooking From the Pantry."

This weekend my mom and sister are coming up to celebrate their birthdays! I cannot wait for them to get here! Think I'll go bake an apple pie. Hope everyone has a wonderful fall weekend!


  1. I think cookies sound like a great idea. So does apple pie. :)

  2. Sometimes I think making cookies is more fun than eating them. Well maybe.

    Pie... my goal this fall is to master a homemade pie crust!

  3. I follow your blog and always read your posts, but never comment...Just wanted to say, I sooo enjoy following your dreams, aspirations, journeys, and day to day thoughts and rambles...

    I am a Mama and a sewer and baker and writer and dreamer and... I find so much to smile about when I visit your blog!

    I wish you the very best in Chicago and in your sweet new married life! Such exciting times!

    Thanks for sharing with us :-)


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  5. Making cookies is therapeutic. Eating them is also therapeutic.
