

corners of my home.

corners of my home
corners of my home
corners of my home
corners of my home
corners of my home
corners of my home
corners of my home
We aren't completely situated here yet, but we are working on it! A few little corners of the house, though not perfect by any means. It's good for now. Hope you all are enjoying this autumn day. xo


  1. Fabulous. I love African baskets, mine is similiar to yours, but has orange, purple and green in it.

  2. Me, too! Except my apartment is filled with half-emptied boxes. We did manage to assemble the sofa, but there still isn't anywhere to eat! Lots of sitting on the floor on cushions these days...

    I love your little basket. I'm so happy it's fall.

  3. It all looks so neat and sweet! I wish my closet were as well organized! Love the knitting basket, tis the season for it...

  4. Good luck! Moving is tough, but it seems you're making the most of it. We've been in our new place for months, and we're still not totally unpacked/settled yet.

  5. ohhh what a nice corners!! Your new place seems great! I love your dresses!!

  6. your corners are beautiful - and your knitting basket, too!

  7. Looks great already! I love the pictures of the knitting basket :) I'll be moving in November and I'm torn between looking forward to it and dreading the chaos and the stress ;)
    Hope you have fun settling in in your new home!

  8. Great images of beautiful things. Love the book shelf! My hubby has met Bob Flowerdew. He is a very interesting man.xx

  9. Love these photos! It's always a treat to see the everyday work space in an artist's environment. Your knitting basket is beautiful, and looks full to brimming over with lovely fiber.


  10. Oh! I just love your knitting basket! I love your yarn color choice-can't wait to see the finish project.
