

making bagels.

a bagel making day.
a bagel making day.
a bagel making day.
a bagel making day.
a bagel making day.
a bagel making day.
a bagel making day.
a bagel making day.
a bagel making day.
a bagel making day.
a bagel making day.
a bagel making day.
a bagel making day.
a bagel making day.
a bagel making day.
a bagel making day.

I've made bagels once before, so I kind of knew what I was doing this round. I can't remember which recipe I used the first time I made them, so I consulted my "How to Cook Everything" cookbook by Mark Bittman and sure enough, he had a recipe. I'm not super in love with how they turned out, but they are still good! I think I should have let them rise 12 hours instead of only 2. I'm sure they would have been more flavorful. Also, this time I made a cinnamon, sugar topping (1/4 c. brown sugar, 1/4 c. white and 2 tsp. cinnamon), which is probably quite bad for you and also a bit messy! But they were really yummy with the added sugar. Next time I'm going to try making cinnamon raisin bagels. I also don't have a food processor, so I just mixed and kneaded the dough by hand. Hope some of you give bagel making a try! It's quite a bit of fun, especially forming the bagels (which I obviously haven't quite mastered yet)!

More pictures from this set found on my flickr.

By the way, if you don't have Mark Bittman's cookbook, I found his bagel recipe here.


  1. i love this series of bagel makin' photos. i would mind making some someday. :)

  2. I love making bagels! Here's a trick — if you roll them into balls and stick your finger through to stretch out the hole, there will be no "seam" and they won't fall apart when you put them in water! :)

  3. Those look like some bomb-ass bagels.

  4. Have I told you lately how perfect your blog is?! I <3 it.

  5. love your blog! love love!
