I'm sure most of you have already heard of Ballet Beautiful before, but it's fairly new to me. I heard about it a few months ago on Pinterest. I am always into ballet inspired workouts and when I heard about BB, I had to find out more! I am the type of person who hates to workout and honestly have not really been working out on a regular bases all of my life. Recently I've been thinking more seriously how I need to workout more regularly. I eat pretty well (though I'm not perfect!) so I don't really need to go on a diet, and hate the thought of dieting anyway. But I don't get a lot of exercise and I absolutely hate working out in public or at the gym. I also live on the second floor of our apartment, so jumping up and down will not work so great. However, there was a short period earlier this year when I got a DVD that had some jumping around in it, so I did let my downstairs neighbor know in case I bothered her at all (I didn't, thank goodness)! But I never ever see any sort of results when I exercise. I worked out all last year, diligently every single day. And yet I felt like I gained weight at the end of it all. So I sort of gave up. I even did a lot of yoga earlier this year, which was great, except there is only so much stretching one can do without getting a little bit bored. So I figured full-time yoga was not for me. Though I do like to use some of the things I've learned from yoga.

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In the last few months I have been reading a lot about exercise and health and what our bodies need. I have come to the conclusion that I need more weight training, or muscle building (whatever you call it) in my life. Enter Ballet Beautiful! I decided to purchase both of Mary Helen's DVDs, since the cost of two was only slightly more than buying just one. So far I've used the full 60 min workout a lot more than the Ballet Blasts DVD, but that is mainly because I would like a full body workout and I think the Ballet Blasts will be perfect for when I'm on vacation or have less time to workout. I have done the famous "Swan Arms" from the Blasts DVD, which is awesome! Really burns like crazy. You would not want to see my face when I'm doing the Swan Arms! Oh no you don't! I am biting my lips and making weird faces with my teeth and squinting my eyes (I made the mistake of doing this in front of my vanity the first time; not pretty). I don't exactly look like the calm, graceful Mary Helen, that's for sure! But I know I'm out of shape (in the sense of weak muscles!) and I haven't done this kind of workout ever in my life. So I think with time I will build more endurance and my face will start to look, hopefully, a little more pleasant during my workout sessions!
Since starting the Ballet Beautiful workout, I have been doing 60 minutes consistently every other day (3 times a week) for three weeks thus far. I know that doesn't sound like a lot to some, but I am pretty proud of myself for doing it this long! Even just yesterday I was due for another BB workout and I really did not want to do it. I was having "one of those days" where I was feeling gross (my face is breaking out like mad (at 28 you'd think that would be history, but it isn't) and I have a terrible eczema flair). I was laying on the couch and told Jed that I should do my workout but don't want to and he encouraged me to do it. So I did and of course I felt a hundred-million times better! For me, it is all in my mind. I can convince myself out of anything! I'm an expert at it! So this is something that is hard for me, but I really want to keep at it. No matter how many people disapprove (saying things like "oh you are thin already, you don't need to exercise!" etc...). Also, this kind of workout is really encouraging, because you start to see results a lot sooner than most workouts (probably because it literally kicks your butt, and thighs and hips and...!). This isn't an "easy" workout, but after doing it a few times, it isn't so bad. The first time I got the DVD, I did the workout and I was literally sore for a whole week. So I didn't continue until a few weeks later when I sat down and really made a schedule and some goals for myself. The second or third time my body didn't ache anymore. I do think stretching a lot is key to not having a lot of pain afterwards!
So there you have it. We'll see how much progress I make over the summer. I am mainly wanting to tone up a little more and be a stronger person. I want to be able to not feel utterly exhausted out of my mind the next time we have to move (no elevators in this apartment)!!
P.S. Sorry this is so lengthy! I started it a few weeks ago and then just kept adding to it. Sometimes this subject feels kind of personal to me and other times I am all about sharing. So I was a little hesitant to post, but thought I might as well!
P.P.S. I love this and this so much!