

one year ago...

one year ago today 

 Today, one year ago Jed and I were married! I can't believe it has already been a whole year since that day. I'm so happy with Jed. And I'm so very glad he decided to write me a facebook message way back when. What in the world would we do without the internet? ;) I feel pretty lucky! I'm excited to see how much better it gets in the years to come. xoxo


  1. Happy anniversary, Anna! Such a lovely photo of your special day. So neat that your contact as a couple began online (?). I'd enjoy knowing more about your "love story" sometime ... each couple's experience is so unique and learning about how it began can be inspiring for single gals - like me! :)

    Hope you have a great week!

  2. Happy anniversary! You two are just the sweetest, most adorable couple.

    I've been loving your posts, sorry I haven't had more time to comment lately!

  3. Happy Anniversary...praying that God blesses you with many more wonderful and cherished moments.
    Katie H.

  4. I found your blog through Valerie Un Arc en ceil......,

    Happy anniversary! We just celebrated our anniversary on the very same day. Although ours was 29 years :)

    Love your blog by the way, and all your beautiful clothing that you make!

  5. Happy anniversary, Anna! :) I can't believe it's been a year already--time flies so fast! :)

  6. I thought ++ about the two of you even if June was for me what you know it was...
    Wishing you a lifetime of love xx
    Our 20th anniversary this August ;)
