

Teeth whitening kit and a giveaway

I was given the opportunity to try out a teeth whitening kit by Smile Brilliant* a few months ago and also host a giveaway for this teeth whitening kit. I hope you don't mind another giveaway! This will probably be the last one for awhile, as I'd like to focus on my own blog content rather than doing reviews and product giveaways.

That said, I have been thinking of whitening my teeth professionally for awhile now so this whitening kit couldn't have come at a better time. I've tried a few drugstore whitening kits before, but they never seemed to work for me. The thing I love about this kit is that you have the ability to make trays that fit your teeth perfectly. They give you all the things you need to make an impression using a clay that they include in the kit. You mail your teeth impressions back to the company and within a few weeks you have perfectly fitting trays. The whitening gel they give you also lasts a long time, at least it has lasted me a long time (I still haven't finished the first container and they send you three). I decided to whiten my teeth slowly as I didn't know how they would respond to the whitening gel. The first time I tried it, there were white spots that appeared on my teeth and I admit I freaked out a bit! But they actually faded within an hour or less. Because of that, I decided to only use the whitening gel every other day for no more than an hour at a time. I can see a slight difference in the color of my teeth, but they never were very yellow to begin with. I drink coffee every day and I haven't given that up while doing this, so perhaps that makes a difference. So far I am happy with the results and I am planning to continue with the whitening gel every other evening up to an hour at a time until my teeth are as white as I want them to be. It's also important to note that you should not use this kit if you are pregnant or nursing.

If you would like to be included in a drawing to win this teeth whitening kit, sign up below and I will pick a random winner in one week. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
*I received this teeth whitening kit, courtesy of Smile Brilliant, in exchange for this review/giveaway.

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